Contacting BoxSoft...

BoxSoft Corporation 416.285.6661 1691 Jubilee Drive
London, Ontario
Canada  N6G 5K5

BoxSoft CasinoTools Inc. 416.285.6661 - Sales & Support

Super Templates
Sales & Support
via Mitten Software
800.825.5461 - Sales
952.745.4941 - General
2354 West Wayzata Blvd
Second Floor - Suite H
Long Lake, MN  55356


Mitten Software is the official distributor of BoxSoft's Super Templates. They have also been a part of the Clarion community for as long as we have.
SoftVelocity produces Clarion for Windows. In our opinion, it is the most productive tool for building database applications. We've been using it to create programs for over 20 years (since Clarion Professional Developer for DOS, Version 1.1, Batch 1113).
Clarion Magazine is the best independent source of information for all things involving Clarion. Whether it's news and views, tips and tricks, 3rd-party product reviews, or in-depth analyses, Clarion Magazine is the place to go.